Birth Family Search
My Ukrainian Adoption Adventure

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Summer 2002

Summer 2002

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Last summer, I started the quest of searching for the kids birthfamily. I believed the kids would certainly have questions about their birthfamilies and I wanted to be able to answer as fully and honestly as possible. I hired a wonderful investigator who was able to find Maria's birthmother and sisters. As yet, he has not been able to find any of Eli's family.
Below is a photo of Maria's birthmom and three sisters and stepfather. Maria's birthmom was truly afraid that Maria would die if she were not given adequate health care. The only way she could get this was by leaving her at the hospital. Giving up Maria was such an act of love. She was thrilled to find out that Maria was alive and happy with me in America. I felt such a connection with this family. We plan to stay in touch. I hope to take Maria for a visit one day.