First year home and counting.....
My Ukrainian Adoption Adventure

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Summer 2002

Summer 2002

1 Year Home and Counting...


Life With the LeJeunes!!!
We have been home over a year now. Eli and Maria have grown so much and have come so far!! They give us so much joy each day!!

Camping is great!
Here is a great photo from our first camping trip on Thanksgiving, 2002.
OOPS! Eli, I think we are caught!!!
This is what you get when you cross two curious pre-schoolers and an industrial size coffee creamer!
The Queen of the Mardi Gras!
Maria loved the Mardi Gras!!!She had (and caught) so many beads she could barely walk. One nice, worried, well meaning man stopped to tell me he was afraid her circulation was being cut off from all the beads because her lips were turning blue. I had to tell him that was from the green sucker she just ate:)
My beautiful little boy!!
When Eli is not throwing coffee creamer around the kitchen, he can be quite sweet--and very photogenic!

Grandma and kids!
Hang on Grandma!We are getting heavy!!
School Pictures!
We have a GREAT Early Intervention Program. At age 3, they go full time at a local elementary school. Here they receive their OT, PT, and Language interventions. Eli and Maria are in the same wonderful class.
Here's Maria!
How about the cute little uniforms?!
Christmas 2002

Let me be free!!
Maria does not care for clothes. We have to chase her around to get her pjs on after bath.

Cuddle Time!!
Eli is enjoying some special time with his Aunt Alexa.